Supported Living

We provide housing and personalised support to young people aged 16- 25. Our highly skilled staff and dedicated staff are always at hand  to guide and encourage our young people to develop into responsible young adults.

We aim to ensure that when care leavers and young people make the final move into independence they are armed with the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence to thrive.

Providing support, Independence and Life Skills

Our independence programme package is based on Every Child Matters five outcomes to support and assist Young People to achieve full independence. The service offered will be based on an assessment of the Young Person’s needs and be part of their pathway.

We recognize that every Young Person is unique and has a different way of learning. From hands off encouragement and modeling of good behavior through to focused 1-2-1 time, our staff will provide support in a range of areas. We focus on helping all our residents to acquire core life skills including:

  • Active engagement with suitable education, employment, and training opportunities
  • Living alongside others and promoting a culture of respect
  • Accessing appropriate community resources
  • Taking an active part in planning their future by supporting them to set and achieve targets
  • Moving into adulthood and independence with the necessary knowledge and confidence to achieve their full potential
  • Wholesome living including health, budgeting, and household tasks.

The young people will benefit from a dedicated support worker, who will offer guidance and appropriate help. As the young people develop their own skills and become more competent and independent, the level of help will decrease. However, this will be an open-ended commitment and support will be available for as long as it takes.

We provide support and Accommodation for young People who have been or are at risk of CSE. It is our aim to provide these young people with caring, accepting and safe environments where hurts are healed, hope is nurtured, confidence in self and responsibility is developed.

These Young People are usually placed in 3-bed homes with a staff ratio of 1 staff member to 1 young person.  We provide therapeutic and education programmes where both clinical and emotional support is offered and is part of the Young Person’s care plan. We also have external experts who come in to provide counseling as and when needed.  All our staff receives regular training, support, and supervision from experienced and qualified clinicians.

We believe that every single day that a child or Young Person receives support after abuse is another day closer to rebuilding their lives and we are determined to restore, stimulate and foster childhood that has been destroyed.

At TS Healthcare, we believe that every child matters and deserves a second chance hence we provide Repeat Offenders Programme. This is achieved through a series of activities aimed at working with offenders to reduce re-offending.  Our programmes are individually focused hence young people will be on different programmes based on their needs and propensities. Some of our programmes are listed below:

ART (Aggression Replacement Training) – This programme challenges the offenders to accept responsibility for their behaviour. The aim is to reduce the incidence of the assault, public order, offences and criminal damage, increase protection and challenges offenders to accept responsibility for their crime and consequences.

ARV (Alcohol-Related Violence Programme) – This programme is aimed at alcohol-related violent offending. It challenges and changes the way individuals think towards drinking and violence and encourages them to examine their lifestyle and decision making.

ASRO – this is drug and alcohol cognitive behavioural intervention designed to assist offenders to address drug and alcohol-related offending to reduce or stop substance misuse.

These are just but a few of the programmes that we offer. We also provide the following programmes:

Conflict Resolution,

Anti-social Behaviour,

Thinking skills programme,

Positive Behaviour changes,

Healthy Relationship Programme,

Choices, Actions, Relationships and Emotions Programme

Drug Awareness

Impact of Custodial Sentence

Car Crime

Dealing with Peer Pressure

Building skills recovery

Self Change Programme

Employability skills

We endeavour to rebuild self-esteem in young people and help them re-engage with the community.

All our programmes are delivered by highly experienced and dedicated mentors who are passionate about young people.

All our young people will undergo a series of assessments throughout the programme and a report will be drawn at the end of the placement.

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